PH4L - Positive HERO for Learning

At Cambridge Middle School, we follow the Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) Restorative Practice approach. We have renamed it PH4L as our Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) approach is centered around our core HERO values: Happiness, Excellence, Relationships, and Opportunity.

This model emphasizes building and maintaining positive, respectful relationships throughout our kura and community. Our kaiako and staff are trained in the best practices to help maintain and restore relationships when needed.

By fostering these positive and respectful relationships between staff, students, and our whānau community, we can better address any issues that may arise. Whether it's changes in a tamariki's behaviour or progress, we believe in working closely with you, our valued whānau and caregivers, to ensure the best support for our learners.

We recognise the importance of this partnership and will be in touch with you if we have any concerns about your tamariki. Together, we can make decisions about the best way to support your child's success.

What you will see at CMS

  1. School-Wide Expectations: Four positively stated universal behaviour expectations - HERO.
  2. Teaching Behaviour: Behaviour expectations are taught directly to students in classroom time. Lesson respond to need.
  3. Positive Reinforcement: Systems and practices to encourage positive behaviour, including high levels of positive reinforcement and positive teacher attention and feedback to strengthen those behaviours.
  4. Consistent Consequences Procedures in place to discourage inappropriate behaviour. These include the enforcement of predictable consequences consistently and fairly.
  5. Data-based Decision Making Discipline data will be systematically gathered, analysed and used to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of PB4L systems and practices.


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