Cambridge Middle School Mission Statement
'Reward in Endeavour'
Cambridge Middle School Vision
Our CMS vision is Connect, Inspire, Grow.
If we are living our HERO values of Happiness, Excellence, Relationships and Opportunity then CMS will be connecting with all of our community, students and staff in meaningful ways, and in turn our community will feel connected to the school and be positive contributors. We will have created environments, relationships and a curriculum that inspires people to be here and to want to improve. As a result, if we have created the conditions where people feel strongly connected and are inspired by the place they are in then they will make a choice and put in effort to grow in many areas of their life. For us to enact this vision and our values we need to keep a continued focus on embedding these as our CMS way of being and making deliberate and strategic links to all aspects of school life.

As a legal requirement for the Ministry of Education, our Charter is a key document that pulls together our Strategic Aims, Curriculum and Values to allow us to work towards achieving our Vision
Our school is charged with providing programmes suited to individual learning needs
At Cambridge Middle School we believe that young adolescents learn best when they are engaged and motivated. Our school embraces a conceptual curriculum and an inquiry learning cycle that aim to spark curiosity and interest in the world around them. Our curriculum allows students to deepen their understanding of curriculum areas by applying their knowledge and skills through a school-wide concept. Through our curriculum we look for opportunities to localise learning and tell important local stories that will connect our students to their wha_nau, peers and their place in our world. We aim to connect our students to their learning and their community, inspire them to engage in deep learning, and support them to grow into well-rounded, thriving global citizens.
Our conceptual approach, combined with strong structured Mathematics and Literacy programmes, support our students to become skilled learners across the curriculum.
We encourage the development of resilience and a growth mindset. Risk takers require a comprehensive safety net and our PB4L approach to student welfare and our value of Happiness, where identity is valued and students feel cared for and safe, provides this. Our value of Opportunity challenges all students to look out for experiences that will allow them to find out more about their potential and we encourage students to show initiative. You and your child are encouraged to be actively involved on a four year journey that has the ability to make a significant difference in their life.
The majority of learning areas will be taught in a student’s homeroom setting. Through our value of Excellence we encourage students to pursue their personal best. Throughout the year students will also have the opportunity to rotate through six specialist teaching areas: Design Thinking, Visual Art, Food Technology, Drama, Music and Science.
Our value of Relationships nurtures the bicultural and multicultural nature of New Zealand society by valuing diversity and celebrating the uniqueness of each student. We provide opportunities for students to build their knowledge of te reo me ōna tikanga Māori throughout their time here. All students have the opportunity to participate in our Kapa Haka rōpu where they will learn traditional and modern waiata, poi, actions, and our school haka. We value connections with all students’ whānau and actively encourage them to be involved in the school community and with their child’s learning. Whānau Hui are held during the year to further strengthen the bond between home and school to ensure that we hear the voices of our community.
- Science Fair
- Waimaths
- Bay Maths
- Otago Maths
- Literacy Quiz
- Maths
- Literacy
- Science
- Technology
- Kiwi Competitions - University of Canterbury
The Arts
Kapa Haka
Music Lessons
Drum Line
Rock Bands
- Swimming
- Athletics
- Cross Country
- Tug-o-War
- Cricket
- Netball
- Tennis
- Touch
- Rugby
- Football
- Hockey
- Equestrian
- Basketball
- Volleyball
- Triathlon
- Lacrosse
- Totara Springs
- Cycling
- Water Polo
Service to School
- Student Leader
- Sports Leader
- Librarian
- Office Duty
- Road Patrol
- Ambassadors

- Annually review policies ensuring physical, emotional and cultural well being of all stakeholders.
- Ensure that all Ministry directives are followed.
The Principles behind PB4L
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) represents a major shift in managing disruptive behaviour by students in our education system.
Positive behaviour is a prerequisite to improving the engagement and achievement of our students
Positive behaviour can be learnt, and difficult disruptive behaviour can be unlearnt.
Individual children are not a 'problem' – we need to change the environment around them to support positive behaviour
Punishing and isolating children does not bring about long-term and sustainable changes in behaviour.
There are no quick fixes. Behaviour change takes time.

We have just passed the Tier 1 training. Tier 1 is the foundation of the PB4L programme. This tier is an on-going focus regardless of entry into the higher tiers of PB4L. The focus is directed towards the 80-90% of our students.
Last year we successfully scored above 80% in our PB4L SET (School Wide Evaluation Tool) this involves the regional co-ordinator for PB4L conducting the evaluation by interviewing our Principal, randomly selected staff and students with set questions about school rules and behaviour expectations, reward/punishment processes, monitoring and management of behavioural incidents etc. Documentation and school wide data is also reviewed.
We had to pass the SET in two consecutive years. Doing so enabled us to move on to Tier 2.
This is the next step in our PB4L journey. This Tier is the preventative tier aiming to identify students-put supports in place and prevent further escalation of behaviour concerns. The focus is more individualised towards those students who are not our top behaviour concerns (yet) but have the potential to be (5-10% of our students).